resources. sequel presents.

12 April 2021

Made to measure? Are you making the most of data?

How can the power of data transform the impact of your communications? Rachel Tolhurst, Head of Internal Communications at leading infrastructure services and engineering firm, Amey, answered that question and more during our latest Sequel Presents webinar.

Rachel is a firm believer in the power of measurement. She offered plenty of advice on how communicators can turn raw numbers into powerful insights.

YouTube video


Her tips included:

1. Don’t be scared to start

Tracking the success of your communications campaigns and channels is the first step towards improving them, so embrace feedback, good and bad.

2. Focus on the outcomes not just the volume of traffic

Monitoring hit rates is a start, but the real value comes from deep diving into whether your message or campaign had a positive impact. For instance, did it result in raised awareness of brand values or increased use of the service you were promoting?

3. Get analytical!

Log the themes covered in each article or campaign, so you can better see which subjects, lengths or styles of article are popular and worth investing time in.

4. Excel is your friend!

Use it to log your measurement and to turn raw stats into simple graphs that quickly identify insights, trends, successes and problems.

5. Don’t get too hung up on the numbers

While measurement is a powerful tool for communicators, there is no substitute for instinct. Good communicators retain their creativity while embracing robust measurement.

6. Measure regularly, but make sure you act on feedback or trends

People won’t keep responding if you ask their opinions but don’t listen or take action.

7. Measurement makes the case for communication

Using it to offer proof that your work has a real impact will help you to become even more of an influencer in your business.

Want a quick, cost-effective and focused insight into how your people rate their employee experience? Find out how Sequel’s Four Pillars™ Internal Communication Measurement Index can help by visiting our website or requesting more information.

Missed it? Don’t miss out. Click here to request a full recording of Rachel’s conversation with Nick Andrews.