Dignity: Survey data shapes business transformation program

The business has been transforming as a number of processes need updating and the firm had to embrace a more collaborative way of working.
We have carried out quarterly sentiment research to help guide a transformational change programme at Dignity, one of the UK’s most trusted funeral service providers. The business has been transforming as a number of processes need updating and the firm had to embrace a more collaborative way of working.
We devised and ran a regular pulse survey, supported by employee interviews, to check awareness, understanding and engagement.
The feedback has influenced the senior team, giving data and real-time insight to refine messaging, engagement approach and to make better use of the firm’s budget by reallocating resources at the right time.
We introduced a new team brief process, starting with a regional roadshow to bring the managerial community onside and to create powerful advocates for change and communication. And we ran a series of training sessions for line managers, helping them to communicate more effectively.