Have you got what it takes to run the show?

For the really ambitious communicators out there, all careers lead to one role: Director of Communications. But what experience and knowledge do you need to nab the top job?


Ros Kindersley from JFL Recruit in London suggests one communication discipline is no longer enough. ‘Director of Communications’ is now a key Board-level role in many companies, and the job spec reflects that.


Writing in PR Week, Ros says: “When we start searching for a new Director of Communications we generally focus on five key components: Media Relations; Policy and Government Relations; Internal Communications; Financial/Investor Relations and Marketing.”


But before you kiss your dream of a high-flying Director role goodbye, Ros concedes the full mix is hard to find in even the most impressive candidates.


“It is very rare to find an individual with all five attributes and priorities vary from one organisation to another. A candidate without specialist knowledge of policy, government relations or financial/investor relations can, generally, buy this in by appointing a specialist or hiring an external agency.”


While that’s reassuring, you may also want to ask yourself whether you really want the job.


As Director of Communications you will work increasingly closely with the CEO. It’s your job to raise their profile and be their “eyes and ears within the business and externally”, says Ros.