You’ve still got mail

Millennials: they tweet, they post, they pin, they snap, they… email? Recent research has unearthed a surprising trend in millennials’ communication habits. They may be tech savvy, social media addicts but they’re still checking their (arguably) old-fashioned email accounts.


As Shelly Kramer reports The Principal Financial Group’s Millennial Research Study revealed that more than four in ten millennials said they preferred to contact companies via email. But how can this be true for a generation who are said to text more than they talk?


When it comes to social media, the clue’s in the name. This generation grew up using platforms such as MySpace and Facebook to chat with friends, share photos and organise events. It’s all about socialising.


And as Shelly says, let’s not forget email has been a constant in their lives too. She points out: “No matter how high tech a new platform might be, you still need an active email address to set up and maintain social media accounts.”


But don’t reach for your standard Outlook templates just yet. As with many forms of communication, millennials have different demands and expectations when it comes to email content.


Shelly recommends keeping content clear and concise for a growing mobile audience, integrating online video and making sharing easy, with links to your intranet, ESN or perhaps even company Twitter account. If a millennial is excited about what they see, they’ll share your message on other channels and help you reach a wider audience.


So it’s clear email has an important role to play when it comes to reaching the younger members of our workforce. But, as Shelley warns, it shouldn’t be used in a silo. “It must be integrated as deeply as possible into other channels to deliver a more personalised approach.”


Further reading: